There is a direct correlation between a children’s home environment and their academic success later in life. When parents engage with their children at home, the children will have a better chance at academic success. All of the children that were studied come from low-income families. This study was done with children from various backgrounds.

The researchers found that children whose parents engaged them in meaningful conversations and provided them with books and toys designed to increase learning were much more likely to develop early cognitive skills that led to later academic success.

Using books and developmental activities at home with your child will improve their chances at academic success. The study is based on 2200 families from very diverse backgrounds. The children that were studied were shown to have more academic success if the parents in the household used things like books and developmental tools.
A new study finds that children’s home environment in infancy and toddlerhood can predict their academic skills by 5th grade.
~Education Week

Key Takeaways:

A study of the home environment has some interesting findings people need to see. Academic research is being centered around the positive early home environment.
New York University has spearheaded the initiative when it comes to the research itself. The team is ready to present its findings to the people now following the story itself.
All children in the study came from low-income families that were diverse too. They were provided with books and encouraged to learn as they continued on in life.

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