Researchers at the University of Kansas are studying the Importance of working memory in students diagnosed with learning disabilities. Working memory is considered part of the brain’s executive control system that allows us 1) to identify and manipulate sounds, 2) to hear and read a word and then capture it with other senses, and 3) to internalize this information and move it into long-term memory.

For years, minorities have been disproportionately placed in special education classes, and figures available indicate the complexity of this issue for one group.

National studies indicated that native speakers of English may be over-represented in learning disabilities categories because no set of national standards exists for assessment and diagnosis. By developing new assessment tools, researchers and educators can work with populations of English-language learners to redefine categories of disability as they relate to difficulty accessing and processing information with working memory.
National estimates reveal that English-language learners may be over-represented in the learning disabilities category due to the fact that neither a method for accurate identification nor a consistent definition of learning disabilities across states exists.
~University of Kansas News

Key Takeaways:

Minorities have been placed in special education classes at an alarming rate compared to white children.
Kansas is looking at new ways to diagnose students and not simply discard them in special education classes.
Non-English students are not being given an equal education until more research and teaching approaches is done.

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