Reading does more than making one good at learning. In a research study by Stanislaus Dehaene, a neuroscientist looked at three categories of reading adults: the illiterate, adult-onset readers or readers educated in the skill as children. He discovered a correlation between different responses in the brain and the different groups.
The findings are interesting in the context of dyslexia and strengths clusters that have been noticed in some members. At our last conference on dyslexia and innovation, a pair of high-profile negotiators (one global, the other governmental) talked about dyslexia strengths in their negotiation work.
Those who were not taught to read as children had a greater reaction to images of physical items while those educated to read responded more easily to print and language. The third group was in between. The research has a potential impact on dyslexia studies and where the strengths of both reading abilities lie in the workforce.
Key Takeaways:
Literacy is an integral aspect of any modern society in the world. Science is here to evaluate how cultures have done with promoting literacy.
The brain actually changes quite a bit as literacy itself improves. Studies have shown that brain development could center around the literacy concept.
Read the research and contribute to an ongoing discussion about literacy. Comments have brought up interesting points about the literacy debate itself.
Read the full article here:
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