Teachers across all learning levels are finding low stamina and anxiety in students is something that doesn’t have to be ignored, or simply corrected with a pill. Modern technology provides teachers with a way to do something for these students. The Muse, a brain sensing headband, is a device that can help students to relax and increase their attention, thus help to improve learning.
The Muse is a brain sensing headband that teaches one how to get into a deep sense of relaxation. It measures brain signals with 7 sensors that detect brain activity.
The Muse measures brain activity with 7 sensors. The student’s brain activity information is then sent through a free downloadable app to your linked Apple, iPhone, or Android device. The benefits are increased motivation, improved cognition, better stress and depression management, management of the amygdala – the fight or flight portion of the brain, routine management that nurtures greater happiness, attention skills and metacognition.
Key Takeaways:
The Muse teaches how to get into a deep sense of relaxation.
When the Muse app is open it reveals attention-training exercises.
Meditation reduces stress and increases attention.
Read the full article here:
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