One big problem among those who are on the Autism spectrum is wandering. Even caregivers who are paying close attention can look away for a split second and find them gone. This issue needs more help than it is getting as more than 25 per cent of those on the spectrum are prone to wander.

Finally and bearing in mind that ‘if you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one autistic person’ (or words to that effect) is the importance of teaching things like road and water safety to those on the autism spectrum. I appreciate that the concept of ‘danger’ might not be something easily taught to some children and communication issues can be barriers to effective teaching. But, one should not assume that it is impossible to do [2], alongside the strategies for making lessons like swimming classes for example ‘fun’ as well as potentially lifesaving. And yes, swimming lessons can be particularly fun for many children on the autism spectrum [3].

There are devices and methods that can help locate and prevent wandering. A GPS tracker would be effective, though some might say intrusive. Cell phones can be tracked if they are on the person. If the person with Autism can understand about danger, it is imperative they are taught. And, of course, water safety is a lesson that should be taught.

Key Takeaways:

Wander is common among autistic children.
Technology, like GPS systems, can be used to track wanderers.
Common safety procedures, like how to swim or how to navigate on a road, should be taught to potential wanderers.

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