Dyscalculia is a difficulty or inability to calculate numbers, not due to low IQ or poor schooling. About 3-10% of people suffer from dyscalculia, and it can cause lifelong difficulty, though there are coping methods and strategies. Dyscalculia can be diagnosed by comparing a patient’s math scores with his or her IQ score to see if there is an unexplained gap.
Scientific understanding of dyscalculia is still in the early stages, but it appears to be a complex problem. Greater FMRI differences have been observed between patients with “normal” brains and brains with dyscalculia when patients were performing math calculations. Dyscalculia patients may also show decreased working memory, visual-spatial processing, language difficulties, and more.
Key Takeaways:
Dyscalculia is not indicative of low intelligence.
Up to ten percent of people struggle with dyscalculia.
Identifying students with dyscalculia is important to get them the necessary resources to succeed academically.
Read the full article here:
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