Cerebral palsy affects muscle control and coordination and tone and is mainly caused by brain damage before or during birth. A new program designed for children with special needs is offered at Amyclae Dance Academy in Stafford County. In her preschool class at Hugh Mercer Elementary School, Nayeli uses a walker.

But none of that is apparent as Nayeli’s cheeks dimple and a smile spread from ear to ear. She taps brightly colored sticks to the beat of the music or switches a tambourine from her strong hand to her weaker one.

Children with Cerebral Palsy advocates create fun experiences for them.

The calming power of music and dance can help people stay focused and dance can strengthen leg muscles. Because of Nayeli’s progress, she has made her mother believes she’s going to walk someday without assistance. Cerebral palsy weakened her entire right side. As soon Nayeli was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at seven months, Sofia and Guillermo Garcia of Fredericksburg started early intervention for her.

Key Takeaways:

Cerebral palsy is usually caused by brain damage before or during birth and affects muscle control.
Music and dance have calming powers. Music can help a person stay focused and dancing can help strengthen leg muscles.
A new program is offered at Amyclae Dance Academy in Stafford County for children with special needs.

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