Here are some astounding facts of the human brain development according to the infographic. * The brain is one of the first organs to develop in a human embryo. * All 100 billion nerve cells present in an adult's brain have been developed by the time a fetus is six months old. * Sixty percent of the human genome is dedicated to brain development * A newborn's brain weighs 25 percent of its adult weight at birth. * One week after conception, cells in the neural tube begin multiplying extremely fast at times 250,000 nerve cells are created per minute. *Neurons conduct electrical impulses from the brain to the rest of the body. * At birth, most of the brain's 100 billion neurons are not yet interconnected * Educators rely on young brain's plasticity to teach school-age children. Repeating learned information will form synaptic connections that will preserve those memories for life. *Avoiding toxins and eating healthy natural diet and getting plenty of sleep and exercise will optimize the brain's potential.

Read the full article here:
Child Brain Developm

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