Montessori schools are often misinterpreted based on common myths mentioned about the ways Montessori schools are structured. Often people think that only gifted children are allowed to attend but in reality, Montessori schools are private schools open to any child. People sometimes hear that Montessori schools are just schools where every student can do whatever. Montessori schools provide a different take on education where teachers create a relationship with the students and encourage them to choose their activities and encourage self-discipline. Contrary to certain beliefs, Montessori schools are not rigidly structured but open for children to use the tools available to them to complete the tasks they need to. This allows the children to learn in ways that are fun and new to them. Montessori teaching has been around for over 100 years and isn’t outdated, it is more of a method of teaching, simply different than the curriculum in most public schools. Montessori schools don’t limit a child’s ability to be socially open; they encourage being social by allowing children to work alone or together and respect is learned through mutual respect of teacher to student.
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