Education is a key factor in allowing females to rise out of poverty. Two of the largest indicators of poverty are single motherhood and the lack of a college degree. Single mothers have been found to spend over half of their income on housing expenses and one-third of their income on childcare. These can be quite expensive and can easily require significant time and money. Single fathers are less likely to live in poverty, and only 7% of single mothers have finished a college education under the age of 30. Education is important for young women because it will open more job opportunities and will boost their potential to earn more money. Education has also been found to decrease violence, increase overall health, and decrease mortality rates in women. In addition, educated mothers can help to stop the cycle of uneducated, single mothers, as children of educated mothers are much more likely to gain an education. Overall, education not only helps women to rise out of poverty but also helps for them to overcome barriers and change their lives and the lives of their children completely.
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