The inforgraph includes different parenting strategies including, “how to discipline your teenager” or “how not to discipline an insecure child.” It also included techniques for how to raise happy children, parenting hacks, and 10 things every kid wants from their parents. This collection of pins seems like something that would be helpful to parents who are having a hard time raising their children. It is a concise collection of useful guides that every parent should look over and consider using. It also has some relationship advice for you and your significant other once you have children. Mostly this seems like a guide for a mother with less focus on the father. There are very little references or mentions of men. Generally though, this is basic parenting advice and should probably be taken with a grain of salt. There is no real “how to book” on how to raise a child because every family and household is different. If you want some real basic advice or pretty graphic pictures, check out this infograph.
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