This infographic presents the results of a survey design to evaluate how to best engage students and alumni for marketing purposes. It is divided into three sections, the first discussing the survey and its purposes, the second showing its results regarding the usage of social media, and the third discussing students' and alumni's preferences in regards to digital vs. print media. The infographic shows that a greater percentage higher education students use various social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) than the national average. This is true for alumni, as well. The infographic also presents the somewhat mixed results in regards to the ways in which students and alumni prefer to consume their media. Late career alumni prefer more traditional ways of consuming media, such as print. About half of the alumni prefer to receive the media in electronic version, and half of early to mid-career alumni would like a regular Facebook or LinkedIn message from the higher education institution. Only a third of students said that they would like these regular messages, however. A great majority of faculty and staff said they would like to receive a monthly electronic newsletter, and the vast majority of all of these groups would like to receive a regular email from the higher education institution. The infographic concludes with a question; does your department have the right mix? and emphasizing that successful marketing techniques will use a combination of these communication techniques, from print publications to electronic newsletters and social media exchanges.
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