In this infographic, many questions are answered about a career in Special Education. It touches on personal qualities required for success; reasons to consider the field; salary projections, and industry hiring projections. It then details types of special needs; school statistics for three states; and a guide to becoming a special needs educator in New York. The successful special education teacher is patient, kind, organized, and an excellent communicator. He will enjoy developing close relationships with students, working in small groups, and being connected with their students in a way similar to parents. The field is expected to grow, as screening tests improve and children are entered into programs at earlier ages. Special educators receive the fourth-highest average salary compared with other educators. According to the infographic, learning disability as the most common type of disability, followed by speech/language impairments and other health impairments. The least common types of disabilities were visual impairments and traumatic brain injury. Among the states, California had the largest population of students covered by Federal law guaranteeing access to educational services. Massachusetts had the highest percentage served; Utah saw the greatest increase in enrollments. Becoming a special needs teacher in the state of New York requires both a bachelor's degree and a master’s in Special Education. Prospective teachers must attend workshops, seminars, and be fingerprinted. Then they apply for initial certification, get three years worth of teaching experience, and finally, apply for professional certification

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