Students with dyslexia often need extra help in the classroom if they hope to succeed as well as most of the other students. Thankfully, there are many ways that a classroom can be adjusted to accommodate such students. Here are just a few of many accommodations a classroom can make for a student with dyslexia.
Audiobooks, large print, picture schedules, and bookmarks are materials that can be used to help a student with dyslexia. Oral and written detailed instructions, consistent routines, small group teaching, notes, and reviews can be used as beneficial teaching techniques. When doing homework or class work, allowing extra time, accepting different ways of responses, providing sentence starters, and showing examples of work can also help immensely.
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“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now
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