Autism Spectrum Disorder Infographics

Judy Hanning / Apr 25, 2023
When equal opportunities and the corresponding respect is given, we are fostering the growth of confidence in people with disabilities and build a sense of belongingness. This makes for positive growth attitudes, and despite any disability, a person will work and pursue on their goals that results in contributing positively to society.Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 25, 2023
Assistance dogs are working animals that are specially trained to assist people who have physical disabilities to move around, and do everyday activities and tasks so that they can be more independent. These dogs are also called service dogs. For 7,000 people with disabilities across the UK, these services dogs are lifesavers. This infographic shows how you can understand using an assistance dog.Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 6, 2023
Autism spectrum disorder has been frequently talked about recently. But not everything about the information shared is true. Everyone must be careful in what they are reading regarding autism because some information may do more harm than good. This infographic shows some of the myths that is surrounding Autism spectrum disorder.Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 6, 2023
Autism spectrum disorder has no single known cause to this day. There are probably many causes of Autism given its complexity and the fact that symptoms and severity vary. Both environment and genetics may play a role. One of the greatest controversies in autism spectrum disorder focuses on whether a link exists between the disorder and childhood vaccines. But despite extensive research, no reliable study has shown a link between autism spectrum disorder and any vaccines.Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 5, 2023
Make physical education fun and welcoming for all learners! Children and youth with autism tend to be less physically active than kids who do not have developmental disabilities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regular physical activity is vital for maintaining a healthy weight. Here are some specific tips on including kids on the autism spectrum.Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 9, 2023
Early diagnosis is vital for autistic children because they can benefit from therapies, support, and school accommodations from an early developmental stage. People with autism may find it difficult to communicate, engage in repeated behaviors, or become overwhelmed by sensory information. It is important for doctors to determine the child's developmental history and behavior to make a proper diagnosis. ASD is often detected at 18 months of age or younger.Read more
Judy Hanning / Feb 6, 2023
Over the past years, a lot has been written about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and at times people are unable to distinguish between what is true and what is fiction. Since autism is characterised in various ways, many believe in a lot of myths and misconceptions. This infographic will debunk some common myths related to autism.Read more
Judy Hanning / Feb 2, 2023
Children with autism must work harder to have skills that others have. The best time to begin speech therapy is after your child has been diagnosed with autism. Speech therapy is does not only focus on working on your child’s speaking skills but also their ability to use language to communicate effectively and express what they want to say or show. Communicating without much trouble is what speech therapy aims to achieve. Speech therapy also helps an individual’s ability to read and understand facial expressions, body language, tone, and cues from others – both verbal and non-verbal.Read more
Judy Hanning / Feb 2, 2023
Autism has a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 44 children in the United States today. Autism is characterized in many ways and every individual presents differently. This infographic explains some information about it.Read more
Judy Hanning / Feb 1, 2023
It’s not easy being different from everyone especially if you have autism or any other disability. It can be difficult for them to be accepted if they are not aware of what these disabilities are. Acceptance and awareness are different from each other. Acceptance is making sure that you are in a real conversation with them. Awareness is knowing that someone has a disability but they can do something you maybe didn't expect.Read more
Judy Hanning / Jan 31, 2023
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often misunderstood because people are focusing more on facing the challenges, rather than the many strengths it brings. While autistic individuals may face challenges, they may also have autistic traits such as excellent long-term memory, and visual and observational skills among several others. There are autistics that have a unique set of skills and abilities that can greatly improve your and your child’s life. Here are some examples of strengths associated with autism.Read more
Judy Hanning / Jan 29, 2023
A child with autism is different from other children, therefore they may not have the necessary skills to understand and handle a situation that may cause them to behave incorrectly. It is vital to figure out the problem your child is facing to better understand their misbehavior instead of just enforcing negative punishments. This infographic is a six-step approach to correcting a problem through applied behavior analysis.Read more