Art is important because creativity is the foundation of a child's education. It helps in the development of motor skills, and eye-hand coordination and has a large impact on their social and emotional growth. It engages children's senses in open-ended play and supports the development of cognitive, social-emotional, and multisensory skills. It also enhances their cognitive development which can have a positive effect on math skills and other related subjects.Read more
Education Infographics
Judy Hanning / Dec 29, 2022
It is good for families to think about the concept of what our children learn from school will affect their whole lives. It is very important to have a clear idea of the future you want for your children. Your ‘vision’ for the future can be very useful when you are explaining your decisions to someone or deciding if the option is correct for your child. Knowing the right path to take for your children’s education can assist in understanding your thinking and decision-making.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 28, 2022
Teachers are the ones who help students to acquire knowledge, competence, or virtue, by imparting their knowledge through teaching. Most teachers are very caring to their students and oftentimes, there are students who are not able to afford the resources they need in school. This infographic shows some ways which under-resourced children can get some assistance to continue learning.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 28, 2022
It’s not easy being a teacher. You must make sure that you are not only able to provide the right information when you are teaching but you must make sure that your students understand. You have to make sure that your students are properly engaged in every lesson presented to them. This infographic provides some rules for engaging the students’ brains.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 27, 2022
Kinesthetic activities or hands-on activities are great for teaching reading and spelling. The term kinesthetic refers to being physically active, touching, doing, or experiencing it. The kinesthetic pathway is one of the three main pathways to the brain. It is beneficial when children are taught using all three pathways to the brain because they learn even more. When there are more senses involved, more learning occurs, and you’ll maximize long-term retention of the information. A great side benefit is that kinesthetic learning activities are usually lots of fun.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 27, 2022
Metacognition is the process of thinking about one’s own thinking and understanding the patterns behind them. It involves knowing when you know, when you don’t know, and what to do when you don’t know. It involves self-monitoring and correcting your own learning processes. Metacognition also involves knowing yourself as a learner; that is, knowing your strengths and weaknesses as a learner.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 20, 2022
Memorizing is not an easy thing to do. It is difficult to memorize information for tests. This infographic will show some memorization techniques that might help. These memorization techniques will assist every student when studying.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 20, 2022
Our eyes are one of the most important organs a person needs. It is what we use to see, so how much do you really know about your eyes? Our eyes are work together with the brain to help us see. This infographic with seven incredibly interesting eye facts that might help you.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 20, 2022
Studying is not an easy thing to do. You must devote time and attention to acquiring the knowledge you are aiming for. It’s not easy to memorize with complete comprehension of what you are studying. This infographic will give you study tips that you can use to make sure you retain what you’re studying.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 20, 2022
What is bullying? It is defined as an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical, and/or social behavior that intends to cause physical, social, and/or psychological harm. Often, it can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening. This infographic explains the three types of bullying.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 20, 2022
It’s important for a school to have a success in imparting education to students. This infographic will show you the secrets of successful schools that no one knows about. It will enumerate the information you might need if you want a school to succeed.Read more
Judy Hanning / Dec 19, 2022
It’s not easy keeping learners motivated throughout eLearning even for the most seasoned designers. It is not only difficult to hook and keep learners engaged offline, but asynchronous training invites an even larger set of challenges. So, what is the key to motivating learners and ensuring they stay on track throughout a course? The trick is to line the design with elements that promote motivation before, during, and even after course completion. After all, you cannot make someone learn, but you can create an environment that promotes learning.Read more
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