If you currently feel like you're single-handedly battling a school administration just to get your child tested or receive appropriate accommodations, this video is for you. Famous American Author and journalist Margaret Mitchell, best known for the novel Gone with the Wind, was also a member of Scottish Parliament during her time, and made great strides for implementing dyslexia initiatives.

Mitchell provides an excellent example of what political action on behalf of those with dyslexia can achieve. Though efforts in helping dyslexics have progressed, even today there there are still many dyslexic children who are not yet identified in primary and secondary schools. People still have to fight for assessments and lack of educational psychologists. Preventive support is critical to help dyslexics to reach their full potential. Just remember -- you are not alone.

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Dyslexia isn't just about literacy, reading and numbers; it's about the kind of impact it can have in confidence, self-esteem, depression, maybe getting in the worst case scenario or wrong crowd and ending up in trouble.

Key Takeaways:

The efforts in helping dyslexics have progressed but still not enough because there are still many dyslexic children who are not yet identified in primary and secondary schools, people still have to fight for assessments,lack of educational psychologists.
Dyslexics have a different way of thinking; they are innovative, they think out-of-the-box, they have an innate entrepreneurial spirit and there's so much talent to be tapped into.
Preventive support is critical to help dyslexics to reach their full potential such as providing early assessments or identification because most of parents cannot afford independent assessments.

Margaret Mitchell

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“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now

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