The selfless act of committing a small amount of time each day towards reading to your child has a massive impact on their future learning. All parents have been there. Tired at the end of the day and waiting to put the kids down so you may grab a little personal R & R. This is when parents can choose to raise a reader. Just fifteen short minutes is all it takes. The impact reading has on a child is profound. Just by merely listening to the words their tiny brains begin making the right connections. Lifetime educators agree reading habits developed early on have a positive effect on reading aloud, reading silently and even writing ability. If you enjoy working from a list you've come to the right spot. Various tidbits found in online listicles can be imparted into your own personal. Read to my child's strategy. Find what works and what doesn't. What your child responds to, what interests them. Make reading fun and set the stage for a lifetime of learning fun.

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Raise a Reader Infog

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