In 1998 a Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a paper which drew a relation between vaccinations and autism. The study he conducted was riddled with issues which led to inconclusive evidence because there was not reliable scientific research to back up his claims. The study did not implement a control group and relied on memories rather than factual data. Many studies were conducted my multiple countries in the early 2000’s with much larger sample groups of children ranging from 10,000 – 537,000 but absolutely no connection was found between vaccinations and autism in these studies. Over time, Lancet, who originally published Dr. Wakefield’s paper, refuted the original findings saying they “falsified facts”. More studies have continued disprove any link between autism and vaccines. 1/4 Parents in the United States continue to believe that vaccinations can cause autism in healthy children. As a result of these kinds of beliefs diseases such as Measles, Whooping Cough and Smallpox are making a comeback because of unvaccinated children.

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