Our brains love visuals. There are types of visuals in this infograph and we will learn about them. The first one is the illustrations that aim to explain part of an object and to represent complex relationship and hidden pattern. The next one is the photographs which contextualize your content and make contents easy to understand. The other type is the visual map that explains the complex relationships; reveal hidden patterns and associate unrelated concepts. The next type is the screen captures which shows the actual example, explains how to use software and illustrates the step by step guide. The fifth one is the animated gifs that create more impact than photos. The next visual type is the characters to make courses for human and it increases trust and positive feelings. The seventh type is the infographic that tell a story, compare and contrast data, connect content and explain processes. Typography is also one type because it should provide clear and legible font size colour and contrast to grab attention. The last one is the visual notes to make the written text fun than boring.
Read the full article here:
The Types of Visual
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