
Hannah Roberts's blogs

New studies have shown that exercise could be a valid alternative to medicine for treating ADHD.Read more
Mathematics / Jan 10, 2018
The solution to “mathphobia” could be as simple as cracking a joke.Read more
ADHD drugs may have some pretty serious side effects. Are you aware of them?Read more
Neuroscience of Learning / Nov 16, 2017
Exercising isn't just good for the body -- according to scientists, it's also good for the brain.Read more
Education / Nov 8, 2017
A recent study reveals a gender bias in the classroom, and it could be affecting your daughters.Read more
Parenting / Jul 16, 2017
Children get anxious over many things. Kids with a specific learning disability such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, or ADHD are even more prone to it. So having go to anxiety coping skills are uber important for parents. Learn to eliminate anxiety in your child and calm the tantrums. Learn more in this article.Read more
Parenting / Oct 2, 2016
Students with learning disabilities often despair over their struggles, but a positive attitude and new perspective can make all the difference.Read more
ADHD, is it made up? Is it genetic? Or is it a chemical imbalance?Read more
Dyscalculia / Jul 14, 2016
Research shows that a degree in Math or Science can help a women break the salary barrier. Is this something your daughter should focus on? Continue to read further for more information on how a STEM career can positively impact your daughter!Read more