What is Neuro-Sensory Educational Therapy?

When even tutoring doesn’t seem to help it’s time for Educational Therapy

What is Educational Therapy?

Educational therapy is a kind of therapy used with individuals who have learning disabilities, differences and challenges. It offers a range of intensive individualized intervention designed to help address learning problems. Educational therapy allows students to strengthen their ability to learn. Students are given activities that not only help with academics, but also with processing, focus and memory skills.

Educational therapy is different from tutoring in that it deals with processing information as well as academics, while tutoring focuses specifically on academics. An educational therapist uses various methods and teaching materials that are designed to help the learner achieve academic success.

Educational therapy addresses the underlying learning skills that affect students’ academic performance. These skills might include visual and auditory processing, attention, focus and memory skills.

Senses involved in learning process.

Processing is how students think and learn. Each student learns differently and processes information in a unique way. Information is gathered through the five senses - sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. Visual learners learn better by watching, auditory learners learn better by hearing, and kinesthetic learners learn better by doing. In order for learning to become easier and more efficient, students should strengthen their weakest learning systems. There are also students who have problems with focus. Students with attention deficits have difficulty attending to the information being presented, therefore making it difficult for them to learn.

Traditionally, these students are given medication, but educational therapists work with these students and teach them how to focus and pay attention. Memory skills can also be strengthened, like any other skill. A sharper memory will help students hold a vast amount of information, which can have a positive effect on their academic performance. Educational therapy allows students to be better equipped in dealing with problems in learning, therefore helping students with learning disabilities reach their highest potential.

Who needs Educational Therapy?

Educational therapy is usually administered to individuals with learning disabilities. These individuals process information differently. While focusing on developing the thinking process, it is not the only “therapy” needed in order for individuals with learning disabilities to maximize learning. The key is to use different techniques to unlock the individual’s potential, developing the underlying thinking processes at the same time as developing basic academic skills. Individuals with attention difficulties and learning disabilities like dyslexia, can become successful students.

How long does it take?

Educational therapy is not a quick solution, nor does it take forever. The goal is to have students be comfortable and independent learners. To achieve this, students should receive therapy as often as they can and long enough for them to be able to their processing skills working “automatically.” Therapy time usually depends on the severity of the issues to be addressed.

Difference between tutoring and educational therapy

Tutoring focuses on basic academic skills, specific subject areas, study skills and test preparation. It is beneficial to students who need extra help to catch up. And for those who need help in specific subjects or those who want to do advanced studies.

Educational therapy focuses on developing basic skills AND the thinking process. These include memory, attention, auditory processing, language comprehension, visual-motor perception, etc. As these areas are developed, individuals can be taught basic skills such as math, reading, writing, comprehension, speaking, and study skills.

Educational Therapist Academic Tutor
Services Provided
  • Individualized, intensive intervention
  • Formal and informal assessment of skills
  • Utilizes specific, alternative teaching strategies (when needed)
  • Case management
  • Provides assistance with homework
  • Teaches children who require private instruction in specific subject matter
  • Extensive training in learning disabilities and learning difficulties
  • Training in the psychology of learning disorders, assessment, and intervention strategies
    that address social and emotional aspects that affect learning
  • Experience with intervention strategies specific to learning differences
  • Period of supervised practice
  • Does not necessarily include training in learning disabilities, specific syndromes, assessments or appropriate interventions
  • Skilled at time management, task completion, study skills and specific subject matter
  • Some training in exceptionalities
Goals and Strategies
  • Collaboratively sets goals and develops an intervention plan
    that addresses academic difficulties, psycho-educational and socio-emotional aspects of learning
  • Focuses on improving grades
  • Uses traditional teaching methods
  • Work alongside educational therapists
  • Address academic needs according to their expertise
Educational therapy is not difficult. It's actually something you can do at home. The Learning Success System is an at-home education therapy program. With it, parents can easily work with their children at home to help them overcome learning disabilities. To learn how click here