Many think dyslexia is just about reading difficulties. But there's more to it than that. Many dyslexics have difficulty with following instructions. Understand the reasons why and what to do about...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 30, 2023
Dopamine levels in the brain are positively match up with the level of interest in a task. If an errand is inherently uninteresting to someone with ADHD, their dopamine levels are so low that their...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 30, 2023
Emotional wellness can be explained as the developing capacity of children to experience, regulate, and express emotion in the cultural context of family and community. Good mental health is a vital...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 29, 2023
Who does not yell at their kids? Often, when we want our kids to do something and they don’t do it the first time, we ask them again but when they still don’t do what they were told to do then the...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 29, 2023
Often kids are afraid to make mistakes and, as parents and teachers, we want them to succeed. Let’s consider recognizing failure as good and a vital step on the path to learning. Failure is an...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 28, 2023
Problem-solving plays an important role in child development. This vital skill is not just coming up with a solution. It involves using one's creativity, thinking through possibilities, reasoning...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 27, 2023
Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental illnesses plaguing society today. Regrettably, anxiety in children is at an all-time high. Often parents sometimes neglect to comprehend what their...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 26, 2023
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), emotion is “a complex reaction pattern, involving experiential, behavioral, and physiological elements.” Emotions are how people deal with...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 26, 2023
An affirmation, also known as a mantra, is a phrase that you frequently say that encourages kids to affirm any belief they wish! What is a confidence affirmation for kids! It’s not just repeating “I...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 23, 2023
Although meditation, yoga, and journaling are all great mindfulness activities for kids, mindfulness activities should not be limited to these practices. Mindfulness is practicing non-judgmental...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 23, 2023
Do you know what your child’s love language is? Each request needs a thoughtful loving response. The reason for learning how to speak your child's love language is for you to connect more deeply with...Read more