Many think dyslexia is just about reading difficulties. But there's more to it than that. Many dyslexics have difficulty with following instructions. Understand the reasons why and what to do about...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 11, 2023
Playing outside allows your child the chance to explore the natural environment and have adventures. Children really progress more when they are outside. Outside play helps your child express...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 11, 2023
When you allow and encourage your children to express their feelings, both positive and negative, this supports their emotional development. Letting your children know that you are pleased with their...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 7, 2023
Eating properly helps strengthen bones, build muscles, and protect the heart. Remember that food is also an important factor in mental wellness. When you eat foods that help your brain health, you...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 6, 2023
Autism spectrum disorder has been frequently talked about recently. But not everything about the information shared is true. Everyone must be careful in what they are reading regarding autism because...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 6, 2023
Autism spectrum disorder has no single known cause to this day. There are probably many causes of Autism given its complexity and the fact that symptoms and severity vary. Both environment and...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 5, 2023
Make physical education fun and welcoming for all learners! Children and youth with autism tend to be less physically active than kids who do not have developmental disabilities. According to the...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 5, 2023
The purpose of peer support for students with disabilities is to provide them more educational activities and assist them in developing essential skills. In most cases, the support is given by...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 4, 2023
Your child's IEP will have annual goals. These goals will lay out what your child will be working toward over the school year. It is important for kids to get the most out of an IEP becayse the goals...Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 4, 2023
Students with executive function issues are expected to need additional support with organizational skills. Assisting students to get organized can help them properly navigate their schoolwork and...Read more
Judy Hanning / Mar 31, 2023
An inclusive classroom climate refers to a place where all students feel supported intellectually and academically and are extended a sense of belonging in the classroom despite of identity, learning...Read more