Summer vacation isn’t quite as easy for people with ADHD. The structure of the workday they have gotten used to be is suddenly gone, and then it must be returned to a short bit later! Many adults with ADHD encounter difficulties with such a sudden transition back and forth. These tips can be used by those with ADHD-related vacation difficulties to make that normally-big change just a bit less stressful.
One thing that seems to help overall is anticipating challenges and usual side effects caused by ADHD. A person with ADHD difficulties can still have a successful vacation by following these tips to keep themselves calm and focused. Whether you’re still planning on taking a vacation this summer or planning one for the future, the information provided here will surely help assuage any anxiety you might about the transition to and from a structured life. Make sure your vacation still feels like a vacation with these tips!
Key Takeaways:
Adults with ADHD can find holidaying difficult, as the transition from schedule to spontaneity intensifies.
Luckily, there are many strategies you can apply to avoid drama and chaos from ADHD.
Simply being aware of what makes you calm versus stressed, and catering to these needs will go a long way in ensuring the best possible vacation, and transition back into work life.
Read the full article here:
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