Phil  Okay. So second question she asks is, "Practically speaking such a low percentage of those with Add and Adhd are able to finish a traditional college education. So is it practical for them to even embark on it?"

Merriam:   Well, yeah, I'm not sure that I would agree with the low percentage. It's a shame. It really is a question of, you know, are they in school for something they're interested in? A lot of children with Adhd will absolutely thrive in college because this is the first time they can choose their classes. They're not stuck in all just for, you know, a dreary eight hours being, being taught things they're not interested in. So the question really is, are they able to major in something that lights their fire and, and if not, then you know, maybe it's okay to look at something else. This person would rather be a masseusse or you know, a barber or, you know, something that just really interests them.


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A lot of children with Adhd will absolutely thrive in college because this is the first time they can choose their classes.

ADD and College

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