On the Dr. Phil show, he speaks with a guest, Hilary, who has a young daughter who is out of control. This young girl has frequent emotional outbursts and suffers from ADHD, which impairs her ability to concentrate, behaviour, and to perform well in school. Hilary is quite worried about her daughter.
This topic brings up the discussion of whether poor parenting and watching too much television cause ADHD. Regardless of the actual causation, most experts agree that excessive television time and parental apathy does contribute to the magnification of the condition. Thus, quality parenting and limiting TV time is of absolute importance in managing the problems connected to ADHD.
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Key Takeaways:

The Dr. Phil show examines the behavior problems of a seven year old girl who has ADHD.
The child demonstrates severe behavioral issues and lacks self-control.
The show raises the question regarding what environmental factor contribute (positively and negatively) to a child’s behavior and subsequent disorders.

Is ADHD Caused by Poor Parenting or Watching Too Much TV?

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