When someone is diagnosed with learning challenges, it is often more than what meets the surface. A new research shows this is true for girls with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder where these girls are at a high risk for other and even sometimes multiple mental disorders. Some of these girls face more serious problems.

Girls with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are at higher risk than girls without ADHD for multiple mental disorders that often lead to cascading problems such as abusive relationships, teenage pregnancies, poor grades and drug abuse, UCLA psychologists report in the journal Pediatrics.
~Unknown Author.

Girls, Dyslexia and Mental Disorders: The Connection

These girls are often correlated to issues such as abusive relationships and poor grades or even drug abuse as they get older. While these girls express challenges in learning such as being easily distracted or unable to complete a task without being bored and it was recognized that they would probably have a higher rate of other mental health challenges than healthy girls, the numbers are astounding.

Key Takeaways:

Females afflicted with ADHD are more likely to develop mental illnesses. Subsequently, they are at higher risk for teen pregnancies, anxiety issues, drug abuse, and more.
Girls are harder to diagnose with ADHD than boys. Their symptoms are often dismissed as girls just acting detached or flaky.
Parents of female ADHD sufferers should watch their child for potentially dangerous signs of unruly behaviour, panic attacks, and depression. Prompt treatment can help girls do better academically and in social situations.

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