ADHD is not just a misunderstood diagnosis. For years ADHD has been a true mystery in the science of medicine. Is it genetic? A behavioral disorder? Is ADHD even real? Health professionals have been arguing and taking sides for years. It is time that we get some answers.
ADHD is a behavioral disorder, not a genetic disease.
The article Is ADHD Genetic?, discusses recent studies on ADHD. Researchers try to suggest that ADHD may be genetically linked. In the article, the scientist tries to show a correlation between genetic mutations and ADHD. However, there were few correlations that they were able to find. The study was not convincing. The research showed that 98% of the children diagnosed with ADHD in the study, did not have a genetic anomaly. Additionally, they went to argue that ADHD is not a genetic disease. It is a behavioral disorder.
The cause of ADHD is currently being re-evaluated
- Genetic factors may actually just represent a risk factor, rather than a cause of ADHD.
- The disorder is still considered a subjective condition.
- It is only diagnosed through behavior, rather than genetic factors.
- Some studies even indicate ADHD may be a fictional condition
ADHD has not been proven to have a genetic component
Why? Because you cannot diagnose a genetic anomaly with a study of a person’s behavior.
Key Takeaways:
A major study was published in The Lancet (a prestigious medical journal) in 2010 about ADHD
The study indicates that ADHD had a genetic component. Researchers disputed the results of the study. They also pointed out why the study could not have come up with those results with their methodology. Another group of scientists did a study to prove the first study was wrong.
Even with the newest research, the long argument about what causes ADHD still remains.
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