ADHD is commonly known as a disorder that afflicts childhood, but it's not uncommon for symptoms to persist through adulthood. In fact, some estimate as high as 20 million adults in America have the disorder. Symptoms in adults can be similar to depression, but the most common symptom is still the inability to concentrate. This video discusses the importance and repercussions of not diagnosing adult ADHD.

For adults, this could negatively affect job performance, relationships, and even simply interacting with loved ones. ADHD is completely treatable, though, so it's important to be diagnosed to recieve that treatment. There is absolutely no reason to be ashamed of having the disorder, and doctors are even starting to actively screen patients with potential symptoms of the disorder.

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"Depression and anxiety are symptoms of a bigger issue."

Key Takeaways:

Adults are being diagnosed with ADHD at a later age than they used to be.
Adults with ADHD should not be shameful or hide it.
Doctors are starting to screen adults for ADHD that have difficulty concentrating.

Diagnosing adults with ADHD

Mentioned in this post: 

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