While having a child that has been diagnosed with ADHD may prove difficult in teaching them discipline, understanding that ages 3-10 are the formative years, in that those are the years that your children are forming into the type of person they will become. Being consistent, remaining calm, being fair and patient will help you in disciplining your child. Start off with baby steps. Giving them too great a task may be overwhelming at first, start off with 1 aspect of the task and then increase when you’ve seen they understand and are making progress. Provide an incentive if they complete their task. Don’t be a “micromanager.” Allow your children a short moment to internalize what you’ve asked of them, they need a few moments as they don’t absorb things as quickly as adults do. Children typically won’t think before they speak and its imperative that you not get your feelings hurt. They are children. If they see that they’re getting a rise out of you, then they’ll continue their behavior. Negative attention is better than no attention at all.
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