A hallmark of someone with ADHD is the inability to keep a straight train of thought. The mind tends to wander off topic, sometimes without the person knowing it. Sitting still and focusing on a task can be an uphill battle for someone with ADHD. Fortunately there is a form of behavior modification that can help keep thoughts on track.

The practice of mindfulness meditation involves increased awareness of one’s moment-to-moment thoughts. Often it is practiced seated in a comfortable position with one’s eyes closed and deliberate breathing, but can be done in many different forms including walking, showering, or eating
~Dr. Hallowell

Practicing mindfulness can greatly benefit those with ADHD

The practice of mindfulness is the ability of the person to increase their awareness of their thoughts. When the person notices their thoughts wandering, they should focus on where their mind is going and through this, to curb the occurrences from happening in the first place. Mindfulness can be practiced anywhere and at any time of day.

Key Takeaways:

People with ADHD often struggle with sitting still and focusing on given tasks to complete.
Mindfulness meditation is an effective alternative to medicating and can be practiced to help individuals struggling with ADHD to improve their ability to control their attention.
Current research on the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation in aiding in the treatment of ADHD has revealed promising results.

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