Neurodiversity - inclusive of things like dyslexia, OCD, and ADHD - presents difficulties for everyone in the workforce, but it presents special difficulties for women. Working from home and doing other forms of remote work can help women navigate these issues by taking them out of direct contact with the people who make it most difficult for them. A recent Universal Music handbook provides help for women navigating these issues, and so does a series of interviews with women navigating neurodiversity.

Differences And Work

Navigating office life can sometimes be as tricky as the job itself, and it can be even harder if your brain is wired to work differently from most people's.

Key Takeaways:

Neurodiversity, which covers a range of conditions, still needs more exposure.
Women in particular often have different symptoms from the norm when it comes to neurodiversity.
These four women talk about their conditions and how work life is for them.

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