Earlier this year, a new study was released that revealed that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is linked to a delay in the development of the brain. These findings further bolster the claim that ADHD is not a behavioral problem, not is it a result of parenting deficiency. It is a definite disorder of the brain.

Researchers in the Netherlands scanned the brains of more than 3,000 children and adults. People with ADHD showed delayed development in five brain regions, linked to impulse control, attention and processing emotions.
~Action News

ADHD shows a positive delay in learning concepts.

Conducted in the Netherlands, researchers imaged the brains of 3,000 plus children and adults. Their discovery people living with ADHD showed clear delayed development in five distinct areas of the brain. These areas are linked to impulse control, attention, and the processing of emotions. Incidentally, the largest differences were evident in children, intimidating that ADHD is a condition from which people can ultimately outgrow.

Key Takeaways:

New research shows ADHD isn’t a behavioral or parental problem, but it’s a brain disorder.
More than 3,000 adult and children’s brains were scanned in the study done in the Netherlands.
People with ADHD displayed delayed development in brain areas linked to impulse control, attention, and processing emotions.

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