A recent study conducted by researchers at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh has determined that a child’s family income and his or her accessibility to health care options play a huge role in their health, both physically and mentally. Diagnosis for certain struggles have affected children from financially strapped backgrounds and children from wealthier families.

“Children in poverty are more at risk for adverse health outcomes, and we need to keep that in mind when we make policy and programs that will benefit children, particularly if they are poor,” Pulcini said.
~Dr. Christian Pulcini

A family’s income level affects children’s learning.

Head researcher Dr. Christian Pulcini says that impoverished families are more inclined to be exposed to poorer indoor and outdoor air quality conditions and are less likely to eat well. Both conditions have been linked to increased asthma risk. In addition, children lacking stability, consistent routines and protection from violence have higher risks of developing behavioral health and other medical conditions. Meanwhile, children from wealthier families with access to better health insurance are more likely to receive an autism diagnosis.

Key Takeaways:

Children from low income families tend to experience more health related problems in life.
New research suggests that poverty puts children at an increased risk for ADHD and even asthma.
Autism spectrum has become more prevalent in families above the poverty line.

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