ADHD affects nearly ten percent of children in the U.S. There are differences between boys and girls with ADHD. The diagnosis has been seen in higher concentration among boys. Now the tide is turning. The number of girls with ADHD is increasing.

ADHD and gender differences in the brain

  • Boys with ADHD show less brain surface area in the impulse control department.
  • Girls have less surface area in the part of the brain controlling organizational skills.

This is why boys present more hyperactivity issues. Girls present more quiet organizational disruption.

Research was performed by the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.

They scanned children’s brains and discovered differences in:

  • Organizational skills
  • Motor control
These differences provide educators with better insight into a child’s mind. It also allows them to better accommodate ADHD.

Research explores how gender based differences affect learning.

A decrease in surface area is associated with greater symptom severity. The differences between the genders show a functional difference in the severity of ADHD

Key Takeaways:

Boys and girls have different brain chemistry with ADHD diagnosis.
Those with ADHD have less surface area of brain than those without ADHD.
Kids with ADHD learn in different directions.

There are significant differences in how male and female ADHD students behave.

These differences provide educators with better insight into a child’s mind. It also allows them to better accommodate ADHD. This study needs clarifications. However, it is an exciting first step toward effective treatment of children with ADHD.

If you or someone you know is having difficulty with ADD or ADHD, and that affects learning, then you’ll want to try our free assessment. Learn how to get to the root of the problem. Find out which micro-skills need strengthening and increase learning ability. Take our assessment by clicking here.

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