Oftentimes students with special needs receive extended test time or even numerous breaks. However, a new study published in Learning Disabilities, a Multidisciplinary Journal states that people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) do not seem to benefit from or perform better on standardized tests when they are given such allowances.

ADHD students do not benefit from extended breaks.

Test results and allowances were examined in a group of 96 Maryland students in the study entitled: Academic Testing Accommodations for ADHD: Do They Help? The students, grades 3 through 8, were given distraction-free zones, had areas of the test read aloud to them, and were permitted to use calculators in the exams. Yet, despite the accommodations, none of the students seemed to produce better scores in the reading or math exams.

Key Takeaways:

Giving children extra breaks and time that have ADHD does not seem to improve scores.
Reducing distraction in the testing area, allowing students to have portions of the test read aloud, and authorizing the use of a calculator did not affect the scores positively, either.
Research and observations continue so that all children have a fair chance at standardized tests.

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