Productivity is a large reflection of the way that we treat ourselves and not necessarily the way that others treat us. There is a way for ditching the put-downs that those that have attention deficit for positive conversation in an attempt to build confidence and it may also help accomplish more tasks on a daily basis.

ADHD coaches and therapists tell individuals with ADHD to practice “self-talk.” There is great value in talking to ourselves, assuming that we speak as we would want others to speak to us.

Negativity has a lifelong effect on people.

Negative words are counterproductive and with the right state of mind, you have a feeling that you can conquer the entire world. We tend to talk ourselves into bad behaviour and into being unproductive. Just a few simple word changes can change the entire outlook through self-talk in a more positive view.

Key Takeaways:

Self talk is the dialogue we have with ourselves in our minds.
Negative self talk can damage our self esteem over time.
Positive self talk can help ADHD adults build confidence.

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