Do you know an adult that has ADHD? Have you given thought to how the different seasons might affect an adult with ADHD more than another adult? The truth is that with Christmas and the holiday season just around the corner, with the season of gluttony and impulse it may be more difficult to manage as an adult with ADHD.

Tips for those with ADHD on impulse control during the holiday season.

Those with ADHD, including adults, are more naturally impulsive by nature. During the holiday season managing money, drinking and even diet become heightened at this time. However, there are ways to master and control these impulses ahead of time in order to avoid unnecessary spending or overindulging in the season’s festivities.

Key Takeaways:

South African ADHD Special Interest Group, Dr. Rykie Liebenberg, demands ADHD does not have to spoil anyone activity for the Christmas holidays.
Best Tips and suggestions on how to control anyone who suffers from ADHD and make this holiday season enjoyable for the whole family.
How to find the best treatment plan for ADHD to enjoy your Christmas holidays.

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