Demetrius tells his story of becoming a great musician. He had dreams of becoming a big time musician and famous trumpet player as a career.
The pianist discusses how dyslexia and ADHD almost crippled his confidence. Despite being high-functioning, he was placed in a special education classroom. It stunted his academic growth instead of spurring it. Despite these obstacles, he has reached a level he thought he would never reach.
When I was growing up, I loved music.

Key Takeaways:

Demetrius discovered his passion at age 6, starting out with drums then moving to the trumpet. By perseverance and practice, he made it to lead trumpet in middle and high school.
At eleven he was diagnosed with dyslexia and placed in special education classes. He was constantly told he would not advance to college and should only look to working at McDonald’s because he could not read.
Demetrius kept his faith in God. With time and practice, he received his college degree in music.

THE POWER OF I CAN "My Dyslexia Story "

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