Lynell Ross is featured in the new documentary, The Overly Emotional Child

This new documentary helps parents gain a deeper understanding of why children may have BIG Emotions.

Learn how you can help your child:


  • Eliminate tantrums
  • Stop shutting down
  • prevent overreacting


Like a complete course to help parents and children gain emotional intelligence together.

Get more info on the documentary at



Liz Weaver (00:00):

In today's video, we have Lynell Ross Lynell has spent the last decade, helping her clients improve their lives on many levels. She does this by combining her well-rounded training as a nutritionist, wellness coach, and behavior change specialist. She also manages a website that provides practical advice from professionals in the areas of sleep wellness, relationships, and education. In this video, Lenell explains her tips for parents in better managing their emotions.


Lynell Ross (00:31):

Hi, I'm Lynell Ross from I'm a certified health and wellness coach and a behavior change specialist. I'm here today to talk to you about tips for parents so that we can better manage our emotions. So let's dive right in. Tip. Number one, to managing your emotions is to invest in your own personal growth. It's not something people really like to do, but believe me, if you take the time to read some books, maybe take some classes and invest in your own education about yourself. It's going to reap rewards for your children because you're not going to just pass along things that have come for generations. You're going to allow them to discover who they are as children. They're not just going to precondition them. So in other words, if you take time to self reflect and journal and think about why you're making decisions, you're going to pass that along to your children.


Lynell Ross (01:27):

The most important thing about this is to get your own ego out of the way. Parents often worry that their children aren't going to do well in school or not make a certain sports team or not make the cheerleading. Why. And what you're really doing is, is teaching and controlling out of fear. So if you do that, you're going to make your child feel less than and feel insecure. So really by getting your own ego out of the way, you're allowing them to make decisions as they grow. Number two, the key to managing your emotions is through self-awareness. So these are doing things like practices like yoga or meditation or journaling or even exercising if you're an active person, but these will help you calm down your nervous system so that you can think about what you're doing instead of becoming reactive. You want to be able to respond to life's problems, not just react to them.


Lynell Ross (02:18):

And kids are like little sponges. They pick up on your emotions and your actions and your words. So the calmer you can be the calmer your children are going to be. And number three, the best self-care tip is to model self-care for your children. And what does this mean? It means eating well, taking time to get good sleep. And, and like I was saying, exercise, do things to calm your nervous system down. So when you're doing this, you're bringing the whole family into that. And with parenting, you want to be there with the children, modeling for them going to bed early, turning the lights down, unplugging from reading a bedtime story to them. This involves the whole family in it. It's not just you telling them, Oh, you go to bed, but you're staying up watching some movies and things. It's calming the whole household down.




Send them off to their day in a calm manner



Lynell Ross (03:12):

So then what does that do? You're getting better sleep at night. Then you can get up a few minutes before the children in the morning and make sure the house calm and you've got breakfast prepared, which helps them to get out of bed. And then you send them off to their day in a calm, organized, fast fashion yourself. You're, you're going to do much better through your day to then when they get home from school, have a healthy snack for them, sit down with them, help them with their homework. And if they're struggling with a school or a subject, make sure that you're calm and you don't get upset about that. And how of them did I need help for the tutor? Can you, can you help them do that? But you're going to help them by building instilling self-confidence and self-awareness, and self-esteem, if you don't get upset, just because they're having a problem in a certain situation.


Lynell Ross (04:02):

So all in all, just working together in your family system as a team and, and showing trust and faith in your kids that will still their face and trust in you. And it keeps everybody's emotions, calm and in check. And what you're really doing is allowing them to learn, to think for themselves, soothe themselves and trust themselves. So these are three tips that you can use just really invest in your own time. And self-care, and remember to get that ego out of the way, because the most important thing you can do for your children is just instilling self-confidence in them.



Make sure to watch the full documentary on childhood emotions. You'll learn how to help your child manage their own emotions. You'll learn about your own emotions and how they affect your child. And you'll learn simple ways of helping children improve behavior.

Get more info at


What you're really doing is, is teaching and controlling out of fear.

Key Takeaways:

Find a personal development practice
Learn to manage your own emotions
Kids pick up your emotions

Are You Parenting Out Of Fear? - Lynell Ross

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