Imani Francies is featured in the new documentary, The Overly Emotional Child
This new documentary helps parents gain a deeper understanding of why children may have BIG Emotions.
Learn how you can help your child:
- Eliminate tantrums
- Stop shutting down
- prevent overreacting
Like a complete course to help parents and children gain emotional intelligence together.
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Children Struggle with Communicating Emotions. Here's How To Help Them
Liz Weaver (00:00):
In today's video, we have Imani Francies Imani. Francies is a graduate of Georgia state university. Having earned a bachelor's degree in film and media. She has been an early childhood educator for the past four years. And as a mother, she writes and researches for the insurance comparison site, us insurance Let's see what Imani has to say about helping children manage emotions.
Imani Francies (00:24):
Hello, my name is Imani Francys. I am an early childhood education teacher and I'm a mother to a two-year-old. So I want to spend some time with you talking about overly emotional children. To begin, let's talk about what a parent can do to prepare themselves for dealing with their overly emotional child. They can do this by simply educating themselves on the basis of emotions. It, it sounds crazy, but there are so many adults out there that do not understand the complexity of emotions and they actually underestimate the complexity of them. You know, and emotions are just that complex in nature. It's difficult to understand. So you have adults who do not understand what they're feeling. They do not know how to communicate with their feelings. So if your friend that is the same age of you, as you has difficult time communicating their emotions, imagine how hard of a time your child is having.
Imani Francies (01:29):
They are not as experienced as your adult friends. So they're struggling. They're struggling really hard with their emotions. Once you understand that emotions are complex and they're difficult to deal with then that will diminish the instances that you may feel aggravated, anxious, frustrated, or just angry or about the,way your child is acting or responding to a situation. Because emotions are not bad. You'll see that emotions are not bad. Emotions are only bad when, they are communicated poorly, and that is exactly what's happening with your child. They are, they are communicating their emotions poorly. So your job is to help them, learn how to decipher what they're feeling and to communicate it properly. You can do this first by getting them to calm down, help them to calm down by doing breathing exercises, counting down from 10 to 10, and you can create a calm down corner or a calm down kids.
Imani Francies (02:40):
And that corner kit consists of items that may be joyous or bring joy to your child. Anything, it can be a stress ball or any item that's intended to calm someone down. So once you have your child calm you can start to figure out what was wrong with it and what were they feeling? You can get this out of your kid by asking them open-ended questions. Like, what were you feeling? How are you feeling? And what can I do to help you feel better or feel good inside? I feel bubbly inside any language or any phrases. And then an open-ended question that's best for your kid will get the job done. They may not be able to tell you that I am angry. I am sad, but they can tell you these things by describing what they're feeling. This is why understanding emotions and the basis of emotions are important because once you understand all emotions and what a basic understanding of them, you'll be able to decide what emotion your kid is feeling based from the open-ended questions that you asked and the response that they give.
I think that you are...
Imani Francies (03:59):
So say you decide for that your kid is angry. You can say, I think you are angry right now, or I think you were angry. Note that I'm saying, I think it's important to say, think because you never want to get your kid to start thinking that they have to come to you to decipher their emotions. So if you say, I think it implies that mommy and daddy is not all-knowing, mommy doesn't know what you're feeling like. I am just giving you my opinion. So there is leaving that possibility in their head that there may be a different emotion that they're feeling, and that gives them pushes them in a direction to think more about their feelings and think more about what they're feeling. So once you get that out, your kid may respond. They may say, no, I don't feel angry or I'm not angry.
Imani Francies (05:00):
And that's okay, listen to them, let them know, okay. I understand mommy, here's you mommy, dad, mommy, here's you, daddy hears you and then give him ways, alternatives and deal with their emotions. So you can say, instead of rolling on the floor to tell mommy that you don't feel good, you can, you can tap my finger or you can pull me to the side or you can make a certain face, whatever works best with your kid. So they can better communicate with your feelings while working through this process remember that you have to be patient, you have to be understanding and you have to be open. This is all new for your kid. And if it's your first kid is, if it's your first time doing this with a kid, it's going to be new for you. So it's important to be calm patient cool, calm, collected. I mean, it takes time. But consistency is key. And the more that you work with your kid, the more that you have open ended questions that allows them to engage and to thread through the depths of emotions on their own. Given them an opportunity to do that. They'll, they'll start to better control their emotions and communicate them with you.
Make sure to watch the full documentary on childhood emotions. You'll learn how to help your child manage their own emotions. You'll learn about your own emotions and how they affect your child. And you'll learn simple ways of helping children improve behavior.
Get more info at
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