Christine Maziarz is featured in the new documentary, The Overly Emotional Child
This new documentary helps parents gain a deeper understanding of why children may have BIG Emotions.
Learn how you can help your child:
- Eliminate tantrums
- Stop shutting down
- prevent overreacting
Like a complete course to help parents and children gain emotional intelligence together.
Get more info on the documentary at
The GPS Emotional Reset Exercise
Liz Weaver (00:01):
In today's video. We have Christine Maziarz. Coach Christine guides mothers who are nervous about the empty nest ahead. She takes them from freaking out about it, to feeling freaking awesome. It is her passion to work with mothers of high school students and beyond who are in the trenches with sad and possibly overwhelming thoughts about what life will look like when their baby heads to college and begins to leave. Empty nest coach Christine is fulfilling her purpose by empowering these amazing women and writing the next jaw dropping amazing chapter of their lives. In this video, Christine talks about creating a safe, emotional space for your child. Let's watch
Christine Maziarz (00:43):
A parents' emotional response indeed has an impact, tremendous impact on their child. As the parent, you have the opportunity to provide either a safe or a scary place for your child in how you handle your own emotions. Think back to your own childhood. My guess is you have very distinct memories of your parents when their emotions were out of control, whether you thought it was justified or not, that's an environment that you're in the circumstance even could have been about. Something that you already were nervous to tell your parents about due to your own emotions about the circumstance, but being a child, you don't have the words or the emotional maturity to handle it. So now you are not only processing your own emotions as a kid, you have your parents' emotions as well to deal with. So now we're that parent, so the first thing I want to tell you is that the past is the past, whatever you said to your child this morning, yesterday last year, 10 years ago, it's out there unless you have a tardus a time machine, or you're just a magician, a wizard, which if you are, let me know about it, but you can't change what was said or done.
Christine Maziarz (02:10):
You can however, apologize to your child. And I am a firm believer in parents, apologizing to their children when they are out of line, it is a great life skill to model. I also encourage you to shower yourself with patience and grace in that thing. That's in the past that you may have said or done gift yourself with patience as you move forward and begin to process your emotions differently.
Christine Maziarz (02:41):
My message for you today is to consider that your thoughts are everything. Everything I like to imagine, our thoughts as deliveries that come into our mind, we have the ability to accept the delivery, reject it sort through it, or just let it go out the back door. Those thoughts that come in impact our emotions. Now noticing our thought deliveries is not easy when our emotions take over, but you can notice them and you can change them. It takes effort and work, but it is so worth It. Let's look at an example when your child or gets to hand in an assignment, and then it impacts a grade that they have say it's a final marking period grade. Your thoughts could jump immediately to not again. They are so lazy and unorganized. If they don't change, they'll never get a job ever the rest of their life.
Christine Maziarz (03:42):
Okay? So those thoughts bring up a specific emotion for you. If you instead were to think some things such as, yeah, so this term, their grade could have been higher, but it also could have been a lot lower. And I know they struggled well and area of organization. So I'm wondering if they're already figuring out what to do for next semester or if there's a way I can help them. So notice that those are two different thought patterns and do they bring up very different emotions in me, one is calmness concern and caring, and the other is anger and their whole life is ruined over a grade. That's not fun. They important thing to know is what you're thinking is a choice. It truly is. You are a grown adults. Of course you can choose to keep the first option or anything in between those two, but know that you are choosing to keep the thoughts and you are choosing to feel the way you feel your child's circumstance, their behavior isn't causing your emotion, their great isn't causing your emotion, your child, looking at you and being disrespectful.
Christine Maziarz (04:50):
Isn't causing your emotion. Your thoughts about what happened is what's causing your emotion. Get this, understand this, and your life will change. This explains why we can have multiple people in the same room. When one thing happens and three different people will respond differently. They may have completely different emotions. That's because coming into that moment, they bring different life experiences. And the thoughts that they have in their mind about it are completely different. So with all this introduction, here's the big question I have for you today. Why not catch your thought deliveries? Why not learn how to control your emotions in a way that actually makes you feel good? If a thought doesn't make you feel good? Why, what do you want to keep it curious? Right? And the key here is if you find a thought that comes in, that you're, that is an awful thought.
Christine Maziarz (05:50):
This happens. It's okay. I need you to be calm and patient with yourself. Be curious about it, but don't get angry yourself because now you have a new thought that's causing more anger and anxiety in your life. And you don't need that either. Who does gaining the ability to change your emotional response is life changing. I'd like to leave you with an exercise to help you for the moment when your child says or does something that you feel the emotion and you can get that you don't want to be in that emotion in the moment. So I want you to try this GPS, emotional reset exercise for each letter, G P S we'll take a deep breath in and out with a focused purpose. Your first breath G is for the gift of time. I'd like you to, as you breathe in slowly to imagine yourself with time, time to feel the emotion, be it anger, anxiety, just stress, feel it in your body.
Finding a different emotional place
Christine Maziarz (06:59):
Like how does it feel? Where is it sitting in your body? And do you like it? So that's all the breath in, on, on the breath out. As you slowly breathe out, gift yourself with time to notice the thoughts that are causing that emotion. Where are your thoughts? What are they? Is it one thought? Is it 10 thoughts? Do you like them? And are they valid? This is a really good question because your child getting even, yeah. And AF on a marking period does not mean they're going to be homeless later, but guess what? Our minds can go there. Right? Totally can. Your second breath P is for presence breathing in. I'd like you to focus on your breath, entering your body, feel where it wants to land and see, especially if it's a shallow breath. If you can make it go a little deeper and then try to hold it for a couple of seconds, then with presence, we're going to focus on your breath out on your child.
Christine Maziarz (08:02):
What I want you to do is to notice if there's anything about them that you did not notice two minutes ago, is there a tear in their eye? What color are their clothes? Where are they focused on looking? Do you see something on their face that you didn't notice before? Once you to be truly present with them? Now your final breath is S four speaking. I want you to hear me out on this, okay? This is your chance to model good emotional health and processing to your child and to share it with them verbally. So as you breathe in and out slowly, I would like you to organize your thoughts in a way to share with your child, what you were experiencing and where you want to go with that. If anger is what you're experiencing, try something along the lines of this. I hear you, my emotions want to be angry right now.
Christine Maziarz (09:02):
I don't want to be angry. I love you. And I want to listen to you fully and get to a different place. So while I take the time to choose a different emotion, can you tell me more about the situation? How are you feeling? Okay, now adjust that however you want, but this final focused breath and requests gifts, not only you, but your child, and this really is important. It gifts your child with the time and space to share additional information with you that they might not have shared with. You had you immediately gone in with them, with the angry emotion and just would've started talking. And all those words started coming out. And at this point, your job is to notice your thoughts, your emotions, until listen to your child with love, listen with love. And yes, I'm going to say it again. Listen with love and repeat the GPS, emotional reset exercise, as much as needed use what works for you in that and throw away what doesn't adjust and modify. But really what's most important here is not only are you getting a handle on your emotions, but you're modeling away for your child to do that. You have the ability to impact generations to come in your family. As you learn to do this, it's truly amazing. Parenting is not easy, but you are doing an amazing job at it. Thanks for being here.
Make sure to watch the full documentary on childhood emotions. You'll learn how to help your child manage their own emotions. You'll learn about your own emotions and how they affect your child. And you'll learn simple ways of helping children improve behavior.
Get more info at
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