Having a difference in personalities and tastes is what makes society unique. If we all were the same, how would the great masterpieces of each generation form? Relationships especially need a variety in personality types and interests. For some people, including children, their brains process the world in a different way. For someone with ADHD, they are able to absorb tons of information at once even though it causes hyperactivity and unfocused behaviour. How To Explain Your Child’s Brain Differences To Him, and To Others examines different methods of explaining the unique way a child may experience and interpret everything around them.
If you’re the parent of a child with autism or intellectual disability, you have likely pondered (and pondered) what it means to have brain differences.
In particular, this article notes the importance of not putting blame on the child for processing information differently. Instead, the author suggests methods to help others understand and communicate within means that the child can cope. For example, if a child struggles with Autism then a parent needs to address this with the teacher in order to come up with an educational plan that will allow the child to flourish in school. Overall, the author’s point is to create environments for families, friends, and educational staff to talk about the child’s difficulty, but ultimately to understand that the child is experiencing the world in a different manner just as we differ from each other.
Key Takeaways:
Young children can often sense that they have brain differences, so it’s important to explain to them.
One way to explain things is to tell your child that everyone is good at some things and struggles at others.
It’s also important to explain a child’s brain differences to their siblings, relatives, and teachers.
Read the full article here:
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