Kids And Electronics
Rachel Tomlinson is a subject matter expert on child development and relationships. She lives in Australia and has a lot of useful info for kids and games. She believes that games can be quite addicting for kids. The games now are very high definition and kids can get attached to them and it can become a problem. There are games about community as well and kids can learn a lot of good things when it comes to games. Read more about how a parent's emotions can affect a child at
There is also a lot of egos associated with games, with beating others in the competition.

Key Takeaways:

Games can be very addictive for kids and lead to bad grades in school and bad behavior.
If the game involves the community, then there could be a lot of good feelings derived for the child.
There is a lot of egos involved in games, so beating others is important.

Children and Electronics with Rachel tomlinson

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