This new documentary explores big emotions. Why children have them. How parents can help children through them. How parents can teach children to be emotionally intelligent. And simple things parents can do to improve behavior.
Parents will learn to tap into their own inner wisdom to find the answers. And in so doing, will positively impact generations to come. 

Just released!


This new full-length documentary explores why children have big emotions and what to do about them. 


Wouldn't it be nice if that tantrum in the grocery store didn't happen again?


By watching this new documentary parents will learn how to tap into their own inner parenting wisdom. Understand the underlying causes of big emotions and poor behavior. And develop strategies to help their child improve.

Emotional Intelligence

Children learn emotional intelligence from their parents. They model and they mirror.


When parents learn about managing emotions they set the stage for children to follow. When children learn emotional intelligence it impacts generations to come.

Wouldn't it be nice if that tantrum in the grocery store didn't happen again?

Key Takeaways:

Learn why children have big emotions
Help children learn to manage their own emotions
Learn simple strategies for improving behavior
When children learn emotional intelligence it impacts generations to come

Watch the documentary tonight. You'll start down the path to a more rewarding relationship with your child.


Get the documentary here.

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