Lisa Swift-Young is featured in the new documentary, The Overly Emotional Child
This new documentary helps parents gain a deeper understanding of why children may have BIG Emotions.
Learn how you can help your child:
- Eliminate tantrums
- Stop shutting down
- prevent overreacting
Like a complete course to help parents and children gain emotional intelligence together.
Get more info on the documentary at
Parenting is a Process
Liz Weaver (00:00):
In today's video, we have Lisa Swift-Young. Lisa has a successful marketing and sales career. She is recognized as a strategic partner and innovative thought leader, Lisa and her husband, and more than 30 years are proud to be the parents of a favorite son and a favorite daughter. Her first book, Pause to Praise 30 days to a happier and healthier relationship with your adult children ushers her into the next chapter of personal and professional growth. In this video, she's going to tell us how to present your best self to your children. Let's watch
Lisa Swift-Young (00:42):
Parenting is a process. This captures the essence of parenting is not a destination. It is most definitely a journey. There are many twists and turns that can challenge emotional stability and prevent parents from presenting their best selves to their children. My story starts with a series of unexpected deaths and serious health issues that hit our family. One summer. These losses shook me and my family to the core as a mother. My first instinct is always to prepare and protect my children. However, at the same time, I needed to manage my own emotions through this very stressful time. The collaborative mindfulness practice that we began that summer has led to having happier and healthier relationships with my children. By applying daily gratitude and mindfulness, we overcame numerous challenges. Now, this is actually backed up by science. Studies suggest that mindfulness-based parent stress intervention enhanced self-awareness and self-regulation among parents and adolescents.
Gratitude increases empathy
Lisa Swift-Young (01:52):
And that can jointly this actually contributed to increase empathy, reduced emotional reactivity and improve communication. It also reduced the intensity and duration of conflict. Our daily mindfulness practice helped us through those trials and it continues to strengthen our relationship and can connects us now in ways that help us thrive is fast. It's actually quite easy and surprisingly effective. So anyone can do a gratitude. We can start with something very simply like today. I'm thankful for getting here safely or today. I'm thankful for breath by sharing these gratitudes. You redirect the anxiety and channel toward optimism, and you can relieve the tension in the room. So gratitudes are like anchor small anchors. And if you drop those anchors over time, it'll help you sort of stabilize and offer you an opportunity to be better for your children emotionally. And it teaches them also the skills of how to sort of main maintain emotional stability.
Lisa Swift-Young (02:59):
So try it tonight. So tonight when you get home have everybody on as they come into the house or they come into the may room, take a notecard and write down a gratitude, put those gratitudes in a bowl. And as people graph for their plate, where then they sit down to eat dinner, have them grab a gratitude and weed that I am confident that applying this mindfulness practice will help you better recognize and control your own emotions and help benefit your children. It could also actually be a blueprint to building a happy and healthy relationship.
Make sure to watch the full documentary on childhood emotions. You'll learn how to help your child manage their own emotions. You'll learn about your own emotions and how they affect your child. And you'll learn simple ways of helping children improve behavior.
Get more info at
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