Jacqueline Pirtle is featured in the new documentary, The Overly Emotional Child

This new documentary helps parents gain a deeper understanding of why children may have BIG Emotions.

Learn how you can help your child:


  • Eliminate tantrums
  • Stop shutting down
  • prevent overreacting


Like a complete course to help parents and children gain emotional intelligence together.

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Parents Constantly Share Their Emotions With Their Children. Make Sure Those Emotions Are Healthy

Liz Weaver (00:00):

In today's video, we have Jacqueline Pirtle. Jacqueline Pirtle, also known as freaky healer is a holistic practitioner, a healing arts teacher and mentor, and best-selling author of 365 days of happiness and her newest book parenting through the eyes of lollipops. Her passion is mindful happiness, and she helps parents to parent harmoniously and clients to shift into a high for life frequency. Jacqueline was born in Switzerland. She has lived all over the world and is now making her home in the US with her wonderful family. Her professional background is in holistic wellness and natural living. She holds various international degrees and is an internationally certified Reiki master. You can find out more about her books, her work, and her [email protected]. Her video today is about why emotions matter. Let's watch.


Jacqueline Pirtle (01:08):

Hi, my name is Jacqueline Pearl, also known as freaky healer, and I am a holistic practitioner, healing arts teacher, and mentor. I'm also the author of the bestseller 365 days of happiness. And my newest book parenting three has a lot of pups just was published. I want to talk to you today about emotions, especially from the perspective of a parent. We all know emotions matter. They really do matter. Now, why do they matter? I come from the teachings that everything is energy. Like your energy, I'm energy does computers, energy, and your children are energy, which makes your emotions energy too. So energy is always connected. We, as energetic beings are always connected with each other and we always share our energies with each other. So that means that you share your emotions with everyone that is in your awareness around you, and even across around the world, you don't necessarily have to be in the same room with somebody to share your emotions.


Jacqueline Pirtle (02:13):

And that's why this is so important that as a parent, do you understand the emotions that you feel you constantly share, especially with your children, because they're very, very close to you. They're very, very in low in you. And you're very, very in love with them. And because of that, you share with them the emotions and any feeling that you really have very, very intensely. So if you think about it, if you're coming from a very positive mindset, right, you have a great day. You're looking at your children, you are in love with them. They're your superheroes. And you're so proud of them. You share that with them. You feel every single cell of yourself and your children with that. And that's phenomenal. That is an absolute great filler for your children. However, in the contrary, when you're on a negative level or negative shift that you're floating around, like, let's say you're angry or frustrated, not even at them, but maybe at them.


Jacqueline Pirtle (03:12):

And you're maybe disappointed in them or just sad or anything really on the lower level of the frequencies. Right? you share that too. You share that with your, so every single cell of your own being is filled with that constantly when you refill that. And that also, of course, you children, you feel in your children like a tank with that heavy, negative energy. And I'm not saying that you need to make these negative energies go away because they are part of human, being a part of anyone. You know, anyone has that. It's more like that. You shift these negative energies into the gift. They really are. It shows you when you don't feel good. It shows you how far off you really are of your own path of who you really are, what you want this life that you're living to be. And with that said, so any time your children make you feel something, so you're angry because of them.


Jacqueline Pirtle (04:14):

It's never the child. It really never is. The child has never anything to do with your children. Your children are merely a truth mirror for you, and then gifting you the opportunity for you to look in that mirror. What, in what is going on inside of you, they're showing you what's going on inside of you. It's not that they're giving you or initiating your new feeling. It's something that is already inside of you at that moment. The reason why you're feeling it is because you're ready to feel that feeling. What does that mean for your parents? It means that you're in charge. It means that you're in control. It means that you can actually live your life so much freely for yourself and taking responsibility for how you feel that you're actually setting your children free to be, to be what they're came here to do, which is to be themselves and nothing else.



They are here to be themselves


Jacqueline Pirtle (05:12):

They're not here to love you. They're not here to make your life richer or to give you purpose in life. They're merely here in his physical life as energetic beings to be themselves. And that is the same for you. So emotions really do matter. And how you feel really matters. There is never anything that is wrong with how you feel. It's mainly the fact that you can take responsibility when you are in a situation. How do I feel? And what does this make me feel? What feeling inside of me is coming up and then a chronology and accepted, respected, appreciate thanking the Lord for what it is a great gift for you to experience that's inside of you, ready to experience, feel and heal for you. And that is really how you turn any emotion around. Because once you take the responsibility of this is how I feel.


Jacqueline Pirtle (06:09):

It's my responsibility to deal with it. Your child can let go being that mirror to show you and to initiate that feeling inside of you. And what it also does is you're not sharing that then with your children, I'm angry and I'm sharing this much other, I am angry. I take responsibility. I shift, then he'll turn it into gift. Which means you share that feeling of everything is always a gift. You shared that frequency, that feeling that energy with your children, and that takes a great burden off your children's back. So they are free to be themselves and do really experienced their physical life in a lighthearted internet, specially fittingly, feeding way for them. And that is really what we all want. So emotions do matter and emotions. You are in charge to take them for what they are, which is an amazing gift for physical life. So my name is Jacqueline. I hope this helps you to understand emotions better. And I know that you got this and I wish you a harmonious stance with your children, because that's really what this is all about. Thank you so much.



Make sure to watch the full documentary on childhood emotions. You'll learn how to help your child manage their own emotions. You'll learn about your own emotions and how they affect your child. And you'll learn simple ways of helping children improve behavior.

Get more info at


Your children are merely a truth mirror for you, and then gifting you the opportunity for you to look in that mirror.

Key Takeaways:

Emotions are energy
You share that energy with those around you
It's never the child

How Parents Emotions Affect Their Children and What to Do About It - Jacqueline Pirtle

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