Sherianna Boyle is featured in the new documentary, The Overly Emotional Child

This new documentary helps parents gain a deeper understanding of why children may have BIG Emotions.

Learn how you can help your child:


  • Eliminate tantrums
  • Stop shutting down
  • prevent overreacting


Like a complete course to help parents and children gain emotional intelligence together.

Get more info on the documentary at



Parents Stop Trying To Manage Emotions. Do this instead.

Liz Weaver (00:00):

In today's video, we have Sherianna boilBoyle. Sherianna is the author of eight books, including emotional detox, seven steps to releasing toxicity and, and energizing joy and her new book, emotional detox for anxiety. She is an adjunct psychology professor, former school psychologist, seasoned yoga instructor and founder of emotional detox, coach coaching, emotional detox podcast, the cleanse method and cleanse yoga, her books, resources, and upcoming emotional detox retreats can be [email protected] in her video. She's going to talk to us about thinking about your emotions like food let's watch.


Sherianna Boyle (00:55):

Hi, I'm Sherianna. And my tip for you today is to think about your emotions as similar to food. When you fully digest your food, you get something from that, right? You get, you get nutrients, you get vitamins, you get minerals, you get energy from your digestive food. Well, it's the same thing. When it comes to your emotions, when they sit on digested in your body, it can wreak havoc and just like undigested food can create the loading and discomfort. I'm digested emotions can also contribute to discomfort and anxiety and reactivity and quick impulsive responses. So when you think about it in this way, what happens is you start to shift the way you feel and the way you think about your emotions. So my tip is that you see them as something nutritious, which they are when they are fully digested and processed in your body, when they are undigested, that's what can lead to reactive behaviors.



Digest your emotions

Sherianna Boyle (02:22):

So your emotions themselves are not the problem. And I'm going to say quit trying to control them and manage them. And if you're a parent, you probably have enough on your plate, right? You don't need to manage another thing. So once we let go of the need to manage, and we start realizing, wait a minute, if I'm not managing, then I'm allowing myself to feel and fully process these emotions. And you're going to get something from that. What you're going to get is you're going to get an increase of awareness. You're going to get an increase of calm, and you're going to get an increase of trust. That's going to come over you. And that's going to translate into your family life. It's going to be a feeling that everybody can experience. So I hope that is helpful for you today, shifting your mindset, that your emotions are not something that you control or fix or something that you feel. And when you feel them, you digest them. And when you digest them, you process them and just like food, you gain something from that experience. And once that occurs, you realize you have enough awareness to see how capable, how resilient, how strong and how purposeful your role as a parent. And as a human being on the planet is let's stay connected.



Make sure to watch the full documentary on childhood emotions. You'll learn how to help your child manage their own emotions. You'll learn about your own emotions and how they affect your child. And you'll learn simple ways of helping children improve behavior.

Get more info at

And once that occurs, you realize you have enough awareness to see how capable, how resilient, how strong and how purposeful your role as a parent

Key Takeaways:

Undigested emotions are like undigested food
Emotions are here to help us
Allow yourself to process emotions

How Parents Emotions Affect Their Children and What to Do About It - Sherianna Boyle

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