The University of Wisconsin (Eau Claire) has transformed their traditional freshman English composition program into a contemporary reading and writing experience. The Blugold Seminar in Critical Reading and Writing goal is to better equip students with reading and writing skills applicable to the competitive real world. The new program focuses on teaching skills that will help ensure a student’s success throughout college and beyond.

“We transformed an outdated English composition course into a modern and relevant first-year writing program, completely changing the way we support our students as they develop effective reading, writing and research skills that they will carry with them into classes in their major and eventually into the workplace.”
~Carmen Manning, former chairwoman of the English department and dean of the College of Education and Human Sciences, UW-Eau Claire

UW has changed their award winning English program to better prepare students.

The Blugold Seminar in Critical Reading and Writing program has not gone unnoticed. In 2014, the Blugold program received the National Conference on College Composition and Communication’s “Certificate of Excellence” for innovation and effectiveness. Recently, the original Blugold Program became more comprehensive adding research intensive components designed to explicitly develop research and inquiry skills.

Key Takeaways:

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire offers a first-year writing program designed to produce students with the strong written communication skills most employer’s desire.
The program transformed an outdated English composition course into one that focuses on building skills in critical reading, writing and research.
In addition to employment preparation, the program serves as a foundation that supports students in all of their classes, research projects and internships.
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